Joe West on the cover of Sundsvall's Sunday paper (Sweden, a while ago)

Joe West in Las Vegas with Elvis (or a version thereof)


Joe West's Big Hit Single!

      Joe West is a veteran Rock and Roll, Country and Western, 60's and 70's oldies performer who spent over 20 years touring the US and Europe.  He has worked as a single, a duo and in many musical groups, most notably The American Barbarian Cowboy Ducks.  (What? You haven't heard of them?  Well they're well known in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Belgium and some minor German provinces).  Based in Sweden from 1975 -1986, West has produced one album, one Country Music single, and has been featured on radio and television.  He has also worked as a Music Journalist and holds a B of A degree in English from UC Berkeley.  He plays a 6 and 12 string electric and acoustic guitar, ukulele, sings, (often compared to Bobby Goldsboro if you remember him) and has been known to make the occasional witticism while on stage.

     In 1986 Joe West retired from full-time music and returned to the USA.  He lived in Las Vegas for 18 years  (except for a year in Quincy, CA where he was known as "Singing Joe" due to the singing commercials he created and performed for the radio and occasional performances in local venues - aka Bars - and for charitable occasions).

      Joe West now lives and performs in South Florida!